How deep is your Nix dependency graph?


I ran into performance issues while refactoring the graph traversal algorithm of nix2sbom. The program would take a long time to complete, mainly because the same nodes were visited multiple times. The first solution I thought of was to keep track of the visited nodes, but the whole situation made me wonder: How big is that dependency graph?

Finding the longest path

I settled on a simplified version my initial question: How long is the longest path in that dependency graph? I added an option to nix2sbom to get that information:

# Here, I'm using nix2sbom to get the longest path in the dependency graph of nix2sbom itself.
nix run github:louib/nix2sbom?rev=8ea11305d240a28a4c58520c294c627556ecee87 -- --no-meta --format stats -f github:louib/nix2sbom?rev=8ea11305d240a28a4c58520c294c627556ecee87

The answer to our question can be found in the longest_path_length field:

  "longest_path_length": {
    "/nix/store/g4bf7igwz3wmgx6qbhhz77bpbyv6lb70-nix2sbom-main.drv": 98

98? Really? Here's the full path:

  "longest_path": [

Excluding build-time dependencies

The previous answer includes both runtime dependencies and build-time dependencies. Using the --runtime-only option, we can filter out build-time dependencies, and get our updated answer:

nix run github:louib/nix2sbom?rev=8ea11305d240a28a4c58520c294c627556ecee87 -- --no-meta --format stats -f github:louib/nix2sbom?rev=8ea11305d240a28a4c58520c294c627556ecee87 --runtime-only

Without the build-time dependencies, the longest path in the dependency graph is now 29.


I admit I didn't expect my dependency graph to be that deep. However, it's hard to compare those numbers with those we would obtain from other package managers, especially language-specific package managers like npm or cargo. Nix is language-agnostic, and the full list of dependencies for a project is included in the dependency graph, all the way up to the bootstrap binaries.

I wish I had a better conclusion for you, but I'm still trying to make sense of those numbers. Go ahead and give nix2sbom a try, you might be surprised how deep your Nix dependency graph is!